Saturday, October 4, 2008

Male Impotence How Common Is It

Like many sexual problems, male impotence is one that both the man and the woman will feel the effects of. It is so serious a matter that if it is not rectified it can even break up the most solid of relationships. Although for many men, their impotence is something that may dominate their every thought, help is always available and in nearly all circumstances, something can be doe to correct the problem.

Male impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection for a long enough time to have sex.

There are various conditions surrounding the term male impotence as some men can get an erection but not all the time whereas others are unable to ever achieve an erection or only for very short periods. In America, the condition affects anything up to fifteen million men but male impotence, no matter what age you are can normally be treated successfully.

Understanding how the penis becomes erect can help to appreciate the problem of impotence; a man's penis is full of a sponge like tissue with a little muscle which is full of tiny blood vessels.

Sexual feelings which can be generated in the mind or manually by stimulation activate nerves which send blood into the penis. The penis, now filled with blood becomes hard and erect; when this erection ends, muscles force the blood back out.

If there is any interference with the nerve signals or blood flow that creates an erection, impotence may result. In the majority of cases, male impotence has an underlying cause because diseases like diabetes, alcoholism, and kidney disease may affect both nerve signals and blood flow.

Surgery or injuries to the bladder, prostate or male urethra may cause nerve damage and cardiovascular disease or other diseases of the blood vessels may interfere with blood flow. The nerves can also respond adversely to conditions that may create severe stress or psychological conditions that will cause erectile dysfunctionIf man is under huge amounts of stress, this too can affect his ability to obtain an erection.

Once the condition is admitted by the person in question, the next step is to visit the doctor and get a professional opinion for the cause which the doctor may be able to treat immediately. For many older men, the situation just requires some changes in lifestyle habits like weight loss, giving up smoking and regular physical activity.

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