Monday, October 6, 2008

The Increase In Male Sexual Dysfunction In the Recent Years

It is difficult to imagine the rate of prevalence of male sexual dysfunction. While the figure is at 40% according to official studies, it could actually be higher since a lot of men prefer to remain non-committal in these issues. There could be more than one reason for this ranging from mentally upsetting factors like stress and depression or they could be related to his advancing years and subsequent fall in testosterone. There are some lifestyle accessories also like smoking, drinking and popping recreational drugs which could add to this problem.

Anything that impedes blood flow to the penile region can adversely affect erections. Physiologically speaking the penile region needs blood to flow smoothly for making erection a possibility.

Smoking causes the number of erections to come down in a big way while the man is sleeping. This decrease in the number of nighttime erections gives us a clear signal that the body is not healthy and that the penile region is not having the usual amount of blood it needs for an erection. A study carried out by the Section of Endocrinology of the Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts indicates that this could happen due to excessive smoking. Even when you don't smoke for a day, that can bring back normal nighttime erections.

Teenagers who smoke too much are likely victims of poor quality semen. Furthermore, the sperm consolidation is adversely affected. This could seriously lower their chances of becoming a father and may even heighten the risk of having children with abnormal genes due to damaged DNA received from either parent.

Likewise, studies have also shown that heavy drinkers are more affected by male sexual dysfunction than casual drinkers. This is due to the fact that alcohol is a performance hinderer and can bring down the male libido which makes erection a near impossibility.

It is essential that if you want to enjoy sex without any problems, you need to live a healthy lifestyle. If you eat well and excercise properly, you can see a significant improvement in your sex drive and a boost in your health.

Also, in the market, there are effective herbal therapies such as natural male enhancement pills available for the treatment of male sexual dysfunction which acts as an aphrodisiac and pumps in more blood to the penis. In fact, many natural male enhancement pills help you enjoy sex more without giving you negative side effects.

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