Monday, October 6, 2008

The Increase In Male Sexual Dysfunction In the Recent Years

It is difficult to imagine the rate of prevalence of male sexual dysfunction. While the figure is at 40% according to official studies, it could actually be higher since a lot of men prefer to remain non-committal in these issues. There could be more than one reason for this ranging from mentally upsetting factors like stress and depression or they could be related to his advancing years and subsequent fall in testosterone. There are some lifestyle accessories also like smoking, drinking and popping recreational drugs which could add to this problem.

Anything that impedes blood flow to the penile region can adversely affect erections. Physiologically speaking the penile region needs blood to flow smoothly for making erection a possibility.

Smoking causes the number of erections to come down in a big way while the man is sleeping. This decrease in the number of nighttime erections gives us a clear signal that the body is not healthy and that the penile region is not having the usual amount of blood it needs for an erection. A study carried out by the Section of Endocrinology of the Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts indicates that this could happen due to excessive smoking. Even when you don't smoke for a day, that can bring back normal nighttime erections.

Teenagers who smoke too much are likely victims of poor quality semen. Furthermore, the sperm consolidation is adversely affected. This could seriously lower their chances of becoming a father and may even heighten the risk of having children with abnormal genes due to damaged DNA received from either parent.

Likewise, studies have also shown that heavy drinkers are more affected by male sexual dysfunction than casual drinkers. This is due to the fact that alcohol is a performance hinderer and can bring down the male libido which makes erection a near impossibility.

It is essential that if you want to enjoy sex without any problems, you need to live a healthy lifestyle. If you eat well and excercise properly, you can see a significant improvement in your sex drive and a boost in your health.

Also, in the market, there are effective herbal therapies such as natural male enhancement pills available for the treatment of male sexual dysfunction which acts as an aphrodisiac and pumps in more blood to the penis. In fact, many natural male enhancement pills help you enjoy sex more without giving you negative side effects.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Natural Cures For Impotence

If you're unlucky enough to suffer from impotence, the good news is that it is possible to cure your problem naturally and without drugs (such as the blue pills that get advertised in all that spam that arrives daily). There are some natural cures for impotence available to you.

Naturally it makes sense to talk to your doctor as well as it's possible that another disease, such as diabetes, is affecting your body and the first outward sign is your inability to get an erection.

If you smoke, reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. Or quit completely if you're able to manage that. You've probably become immune to those ever-scarier health warnings on the packets. They're trying to help and they are actually correct. The trouble with smoking cigarettes is that the smoke cuts down the oxygen that gets into your blood. And your blood supply is a critical component in getting an erection to happen.

Alcohol has the same problem. "Brewers droop" wasn't a term invented for fun one evening and that's exactly what alcohol does for you. If you're often out for a drink with friends or colleagues, swap a soft drink or two into your drinking routine. Aside from the person the other side of the bar, no-one will have any idea that rum and Coke is pure cola.

If you've been prescribed any drugs to take on a regular basis, find out exactly what the side effects are either on the web or on the sheet that comes with them. If any of the stated side effects are impotence or reduced sexual performance, talk to your doctor to see whether you can swap your medication.

Get some exercise - not just a brisk walk in the park or a workout in the gym. But also make sure that you give your penis it's own exercise regime as well - you can find a number of exercises to help with your erectile dysfunction here..

Learn to relax. It's likely that anxiety is at least contributing to your performance problem. Because, the more you worry about being impotent, the more likely it is to become a self fulfilling prophecy. Hypnosis for impotence is an excellent way to relax and help with your problem.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What Can You Propose To Better Your Sexual Performance

You may not know about it, but the cases of men suffering from several sex problems like erectile dysfunction are an everyday happening. Studies may show 40% of men are suffering from sexual problems but the actual percentage should be higher as many men don't talk about their sexual problems. The causes could be varied form certain emotional factors like stress and depression to physical factors like age and decline in testosterone. Other causes include some lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking and many of the recreational drugs.

Anything that impedes blood flow to the penile region can adversely affect erections. Physiologically speaking the penile region needs blood to flow smoothly for making erection a possibility. So many men have turned to male enhancement products, hoping that it will improve their erection. Only some men actually see results but for the majority, the results are far from satisfactory. However, SizeGenetics have been receiving many good feedbacks. Maybe you would like to check the user feedbacks on SizeGenetics.

The practice of smoking has been known to cut down the number of erections severely when the man is asleep. This decrement of nighttime erections gives us a clear indication that not all is well and that the penile region is not getting the amount of blood it needs for an erection. The cause of this has been identified by the Lahey Hitchcock Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts as excessive smoking. It is also seen that short term cessation of smoking, even for a day can improve the number of nightly erections.

You have a choice to find out about Xomax. It is safe for increasing your libido. You know stop smoking is not that easy. So find out more how this product can help you by visiting Xomax review.

Moreover, teenagers who smoke heavy are likely to have an extremely damaging effect on the quality of semen. Additionally the sperm quality gets further diluted. This could seriously jeopardize their chances of fatherhood and may even increase the risk of having children with genetic disorders due to damaged DNA received from either parent.

Men who drink regularly and heavily are more likely to get affected with sexual problems than men who drink not that often and this is according to studies done on this topic. This is due to the fact that alcohol has an overall inhibiting action and definitely acts on the libido which makes erection improbable.

It is this clear that a moderate lifestyle can lend a good support to your sex life. Regular exercise and good eating habits go a long way in keeping your sexual vigor and health strong. There are effective herbal therapies available for the treatment of erectile dysfunction which acts as an aphrodisiac and pumps in more blood to the penis. My cousin has taken Natural Gain Plus which help him overcome weak erection. Should you want to learn what users are commenting about this natural male enhancement capsule, then I suggest that you visit Natural Gain Plus customer feedbacks.

How Zenerx Does What It Does So Well

Each erection starts with sensory or mental motivation, or
both. Local nerves as well a brain signals bring
about the muscles of the corpora cavernosa to relax, letting
blood to flow in as well as take the spaces. The blood
produces pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis
enlarge. The tunica albuginea helps shut in the blood in the
corpora cavernosa, thereby maintaining erection. When
penis muscles tighten up and restrict or halt blood flow as
well as open and increase the outflow channels, erection is inverted.

Zenerx works to increase blood flow to the penis (just like
to Viagra®), lessen prolactin as well as enhance
testosterone levels. All are critical to accomplish big,
massive erections. But Zenerx delivers even MORE.

Viagra® works by increasing the body's efficiency at
employing Nitric Oxide a major chemical necessary to
produce an erection. Viagra® is created to relieve ED just
this one way. While Viagra® is a very effective medication
treatment for many men with Erectile Dysfunction, doctors appreciate that
there exist many unlike reasons of ED, small weak erections
or a poor sex drive. Zenerx works similar to Viagra® but gives
much more results.

The botanical components in Zenerx's unique formulation (see
essential ingredients for more information) have a documented multi-faceted
impressive result on your erection, blood flow as well
as important areas of your total well-being. They grant nutrients
to assist all aspects of a man's sexual function (not only
enhance blood movement to the penis) as well as preventative
many illnesses that might bring about ED as well as weak
a man's sexual function.

The Constituents in Zenerx Offer Numerous Gains To Help
Every Area of Total male Sexual Performance and Health.

Gains include:

Better usage of Nitric Oxide: A major subtance necessary to
generate a substantial erection as well as enhance blood
movement to the penis  Enhanced testosterone: necessary for
a vigorous libido, vigorous function, speedier healing,
increased strength as well as greater vigor  Lessens
prolactin: High levels of prolactin might bring about ED
Enhance your circulation which is important for healthy blood
movement to the penis.

Increase sperm production as well as motility: Makes
plentiful, vigorous ejaculations as well as vigorous sperm

 Increase skin tissue as well as muscle wellness: Enhanced
feeling, control, stamina as well as smallest healing time.

Enhanced wellness of the nervous system: Essential for
highest feeling, sensation as well as gratification.

Soothes as well as sharpens the mind: Reduce function stress
as well as anxiety, encourages enhanced confidence
as well as optimistic mental state Protects against
diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, & heart disease:
These medical states are often the root of impotence,
erectile dysfunction or inadequate function.

Anti-oxidant and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) stimulant: Makes
"Fountain of Youth Effect", regenerates as well as protects
the body giving more vigor as well as stamina.

 We suggest that you use Zenerx as a component of an total
energetic lifestyle.

 **These assertions have not been assessed by the FDA and
are for informational purposes only and should not be
regarded as medical authority. It is wise to always check with your doctor
for advice from the medical field. This Product is not expected to
diagnose, relieve, alleviate, or avert any disease.

Male Impotence How Common Is It

Like many sexual problems, male impotence is one that both the man and the woman will feel the effects of. It is so serious a matter that if it is not rectified it can even break up the most solid of relationships. Although for many men, their impotence is something that may dominate their every thought, help is always available and in nearly all circumstances, something can be doe to correct the problem.

Male impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is the inability to maintain an erection for a long enough time to have sex.

There are various conditions surrounding the term male impotence as some men can get an erection but not all the time whereas others are unable to ever achieve an erection or only for very short periods. In America, the condition affects anything up to fifteen million men but male impotence, no matter what age you are can normally be treated successfully.

Understanding how the penis becomes erect can help to appreciate the problem of impotence; a man's penis is full of a sponge like tissue with a little muscle which is full of tiny blood vessels.

Sexual feelings which can be generated in the mind or manually by stimulation activate nerves which send blood into the penis. The penis, now filled with blood becomes hard and erect; when this erection ends, muscles force the blood back out.

If there is any interference with the nerve signals or blood flow that creates an erection, impotence may result. In the majority of cases, male impotence has an underlying cause because diseases like diabetes, alcoholism, and kidney disease may affect both nerve signals and blood flow.

Surgery or injuries to the bladder, prostate or male urethra may cause nerve damage and cardiovascular disease or other diseases of the blood vessels may interfere with blood flow. The nerves can also respond adversely to conditions that may create severe stress or psychological conditions that will cause erectile dysfunctionIf man is under huge amounts of stress, this too can affect his ability to obtain an erection.

Once the condition is admitted by the person in question, the next step is to visit the doctor and get a professional opinion for the cause which the doctor may be able to treat immediately. For many older men, the situation just requires some changes in lifestyle habits like weight loss, giving up smoking and regular physical activity.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Ultimate Stretcher promise

A small penis is often said to be the cause for low self-confidence and even for a deficient or unhappy love life. How true is this? Without making such a statement a general rule, we need to mention the fact that people who feel bad because of their penis girth or length are often the victims of depression. They are, in fact, the targeted customers of products like the Ultimate Stretcher. A penis extender device invented and designed by a doctor, the Ultimate Stretcher adds new tissue to the penis by pulling at the cell walls.

The features that make the Ultimate Stretcher a success!

From the anatomical perspective, the penis includes spongy parts in what is known as Corpora Cavernosa. Before the sexual intercourse, the hormones secreted by the brain trigger a reaction in the penis and these Corpora Cavernosa get flooded with blood. The Ultimate Stretcher will determine a bigger size in the blood vessels; this means that the erection will be a lot harder and last longer at the same time. Moreover, by the continuous pressure on the veins and arteries these tend to expand and make the gland larger too.

Ultimate Stretcher has been through several tests and has successfully passed all standards with flying colours. The product carries the CE certification and a four-year history in sales tops; it is presently promoted in a large number of countries appealing to the customers by the very advantageous balance between price and quality level. The Ultimate Stretcher costs $233.88 and under certain circumstances even the shipment is free.

The Ultimate Stretcher can be used day or night depending on the wearer's schedule; though it is lightweight and very discreet you may find it uncomfortable to wear during the day. The solution to such a problem is to wear it at night. The results are proportionate with the time of wear, which can be up to ten hours per day. The Ultimate Stretcher fits any penis size, therefore you don't have to be small-sized in order to use it.

For your consideration!

If you have any suspicion whatsoever that the Ultimate Stretcher may not be right for you, don't use it. A skin sensitivity beyond the average, a former surgery in the penile area: these are only two very disparate examples of what could prevent the use of Ultimate Stretcher Device.

All in all, the Ultimate Stretcher seems like a permanent solution to increasing the size of the penis, yet the responsiveness to the traction pressure differs from one person to another. Anyone can use the Ultimate Stretcher since the device is adjustable to any penis size, nevertheless make sure your health condition is compatible with the enhancer.

The Dual Benefit of Pro Enhance

Pro Enhance patch is generally known as the transdermal patch that helps to the enhancement of the penis by the use of herbal ingredients exclusively. Yet, the patch is only half of the program the producers offer, the other half is represented by a complete set of exercises for penis enlargement that add centimeters to your erectile tissues in a matter of months. To take them in turns, we should begin by saying that the Pro Enhance system is not unique, there are several other competitors that equal a similar program, for almost the same prices.

Pro Enhance specificity

Each patch is designed to insure all the herbal ingredients necessary for a three-day increase in the penile blood flow. At the end of the cycle you'll have to use a new patch following the same instructions. Together with the application of Pro Enhance, you'll also have to devote some time to performing the penis exercises recommended in the second part of the program. It is important that you do not over-work: keep in mind that you are dealing with a gland not with a muscle. The penis enhancement trick here lies in the minor tears in the penis cellular walls that add up new tissue in the healing process.

The exercises combined with the vaso-dilator properties of the Pro Enhance treatment will determine an increase in the penis size. The problem is that many users feel like results are anything but obvious and tend to over-work; the consequences could be really serious given the fact that you can cause injury to the tissues or experience all sorts of discomforts. If used carelessly, the Pro Enhance program can have a negative impact on your health, the very opposite of what you may have been looking for.

Pro Enhance satisfaction rate

It is very interesting to keep a close record of your progress by putting down results every time you notice changes. At the end of a three-month period you should be able to analyze the history of the Pro Enhance use and see whether you should continue or not. Don't forget that there are all sorts of other factors that may hinder sexual performance: alcohol and drug abuse, overweight, smoking and any health problem in the first place. The use of the Pro Enhance system should go hand in hand with a balanced life style and a positive attitude towards both body and mind.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Semen Volume: Can You Increase Semen Volume With Semenax?

The barometer of a man's sexual vitality can be found in his sperm quantity and quality. Poor diet and tight pants are just a couple of unfortunate factors (of many) that may be working against him. While you may workout a lot, it might have a negative effect as too much exercise can affect sperm counts. Sexual pleasure and a guy's self esteem can be beat down. But now there is a solution to what ails you that is effective and 100% side effect free. Increase your virility with Semenax, a daily supplement that improves the health of your semen. Semenax is great for men who:

  • Want to conceive
  • Want the strongest, longest-lasting orgasms of their life
  • Want to increase their load
  • Want milky-white sperm
  • Want ejaculate that shoots out

It sounds too good to be true, but it's simple biology. The family man and the stud have this in common - semen, in both quality and quantity, affects all men, whether they want better orgasms or the ability to reproduce. Overall virility and sperm health are achieved through our mix of all natural ingredients.

Orgasm strength can be narrowed down to how much semen your body has in store - the more the merrier as the PC muscle have to contract longer and harder to expel the fluid. Semenax can substantially increase your pleasure by increasing ejaculate load by upwards of a previously unimaginable 500%, so that your orgasms last and last with more power. Studies show that many men's peak of climax lasts 4 times longer, and almost double the duration. Because the contractions become remarkably strong, say goodbye to weak ejaculate power. Shoot like a movie star, no more weak dribbles.

Semenax can make your cum thicker and milky-white, a sign that your sperm is healthy and robust. That's because Semenax really does improve sperm health, great for men who want to increase their sperm count. Many studies have proven the benefits of botanicals Tribulus Terrestris and Zinc, while amino acids like L-Arginine and L-Lysine are essential to an increase in overall sperm production. Semen appearance is also an important sign of vitality as well, and not just quantity. Some men's cum appears yellow-ish and thin, appearing sickly.

Results can be achieved rather quickly in some cases in as little as a few days and others with just a couple of weeks time. At six weeks, you'll be amazed as some guys have reported two hundred percent volume increase and it only gets better from there.

Extenze: Fact, Fiction, Scam or Legitimate Supplement?

Millions of guys all across the world struggle with a negative sexual self-image. Not being able to take pride in your sexuality is no good because it affects how you feel all day long, to say nothing of how well you're able to please your lover or how much pleasure you yourself feel in getting off. Of course taking care of yourself is still as important as ever, but no matter how many fresh veggies you munch or how often you go to the gym, not even Chuck Norris can sell you an exercise that makes your erection rock-hard everytime. But that's exactly what the herbal supplement called ExtenZe is capable of. Both length and girth size differences are promoted. That's the sort of thing that gives a guy lasting sexual self-confidence, I'm sure you'll agree.

ExtenZe contains laboratory-standardized herbal extracts rich in tribistol, a chemical which has been scientifically demonstrated to increase levels of the so-called "lutenizing hormone" in males. In turn, this hormone has been linked to raising levels of testosterone in the male bloodstream. Tribistol has been used within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for hundreds of years, treating diverse performance-related issues such as lack of libido or insufficiently firm erections. An substantial increase in sex drive in mammals has been linked to Korean Ginseng, which is a key ingredient in Extenze. Real-world studies of ExtenZe bear this out. It doesn't really matter what size you are NOW - not many guys would pass up a chance to make an impressive sexual difference and for both themselves and their partner.

With its herbal extracts backed by centuries of traditional use and many studies performed by professional institutions, ExtenZe nourishes the pelvic circulatory system to generate increased blood flow to the penis. Contrary to popular belief, your member isn't any kind of muscle. But rather, the penile shaft fills up or becomes engorged with blood, which is what cause the stiffness of an erection. Harder, firmer erections on demand are achieved by Extenze because of the positive impact it has on the genital arteries and veins.

Hey, I'd be skeptical too if someone said I could cure what ails me with just a little pill. We say just give it a shot - we're so convinced that ExtenZe is the real thing, we're offering the greatest money-back guarantee in the history of the performance-enhancement industry. If you don't feel the effects of ExtenZe are worth your money, just send the product back to us.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Should Vig RX Plus Be Added To Your Supplement List?

VigRX Plus

The truth is that E.D. doesn't not just affect older men, but men of all ages. Heart problems have been associated with chronic E.D., while stress has been proven to create temporary E.D. Just over 20% of all men will encounter E.D. (erectile dysfunction) at some point.

Don't be a statistic, take VigRX Plus today. Vig RX Plus is not5 just for those who have a performance issue, but is for those who want to be proactive and improve their current performance as well. Made from all-natural ingredients, this product provides you with bigger, firmer erections, which means a more satisfying experience for both you and your partner. The benefits just aren't going to be noticed by your partner, but you too will receive the benfits of longer lasting more powerful orgasms.

Precisely, how does VigRX Plus revitalize my love/sex life? Via an increased blood flow to the penis and regulating it's muscle mass. The more blood the penis holds, the better sensation, better stamina, and the most rock-hard erection. That may seem like a lot to live up to, but VigRX Plus delivers all of that and more.

For thousands of years, men all over the world have maintained their virility with aphrodisiacs. VigRX Plus combines the best of the ancient natural remedies with new medical advances. The new and vastly improved version of VigRX Plus includes the addition of (3) proven beneficial ingredients.

VigRX Plus works 30% quicker that it's former version because of the addition of the patented ingredient Bioperine. Both Tribulus and Damiana, new additions to the already-effective formula, have been used for generations as erectile dysfunction cures. Modern clinical trials back this up with hard data. It's worked for many men just like you who want to strengthen their sexual experience. You'll most likely notice a substantial difference in as early as a month -- for some, even sooner, often depending on your physical well-being. With continued use (the biggest difference typically occurs during the third month) your erections will get firmer and your stamina will improve significantly.

Because it increases the body's sexual functions the all-natural way, VigRX Plus lacks the side effects of prescription drugs. It can't get any easier, you just take the simple daily dosage of one capsule. That's it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Penis Enlargement Surgery Vs. Jes Extender

Before the invention of the penis traction devices like Jes Extender, the only real solution for the gland extension was surgery. What are the good bits and the bad bits for each of these procedures? The major difference between Jes Extender for instance and a surgical enhancement operation is that with the former the growth process is natural, by the stimulation of the cell regeneration. On the other hand, surgery usually implies the release of the ligaments from within the gland that are responsible for the penile curvature or the injecting of silicone for girth increase.

The advantages of Jes Extender reflected in its features

The longitudinal traction force applied by Jes Extender leads to the modification of the tissues and blood vessels, a process that very much relies on the skin flexibility. The price of Jes Extender is not higher than $300, not to mention that the manufacturer also gives you the possibility of applying a long-term payment plan.

The problem with the action of such a device is that the penis does not include only soft erectile cells; therefore the growth of ligaments and internal parts depends on tissue density that is directly proportionate with cell regeneration capacity and growth rate. All in all, it is good to know that the main pressure created by Jes Extender will be on the outer tissues, rather than on the internal ones.

Surgery vs Jes Extender

The cost of surgery is the main disadvantage of the procedure, which causes it to remain out of the reach of the regular man who doesn't have $3,000 to pay for it. On the other hand, it is Jes Extender that comes as a very common solution to an equally common problem. The price is definitely affordable and the device really shows results in just two or three months of usage.

On the other hand, with surgery the penis size is dealt with immediately, whereas, you'd have to wear Jes Extender for a long period of time before you reach the expected results. For patients who choose silicone shots for increasing girth, we need to mention the fact that the results are not permanent, and that they would have to repeat the procedure within six months or a year.

A common sense conclusion

Both Jes Extender and surgery have advantages and disadvantages; money is one first issue, followed by the amount of time necessary for the size increase. The choice belongs to the user, but it is definitely recommendable that you make up your mind after talking to a doctor first. All the best!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Boost Sex Drive Naturally Witn No Side Effects

They say that you can never bee too rich, too thin or too hot.  The search for potions, foods, herbs, and supplements to increase sagging libido is never ending.  Not only does erectile dysfunction (ED) affect approximately 30 million American men and one-third of those American males between the ages of 40 and 70, but about 43 percent of women have reported having some kind of sexual dissatisfaction, with about one-third of them specifically reporting low sexual desire. 

In the 1970s and 80s a famous erotic entertainer named the brain as being the most erogenous zone in the body.  A lack in libido can have a lot more to do with the brain than with genital areas.  Stress, lack of energy, fatigue, depression, anger, and worry all kill sexual appetite, and few foods have been found to make much of dent in your mind or other places.  On the other hand, slow libido for men or women occasionally has a physical base, being the combination of both desire and the ability to do something about it. 

If we assume that the “spirit is willing” we still have to make sure that the body is able, with the first order of business being circulation.  The best way to improve overall circulation is exercise, of which almost any kind will do as long as your heart is pumping, blood is flowing, and oxygen is reaching the brain.  Exercise also raises the feel-good chemicals in the brain referred to as catecholamines, which makes it more likely that you’ll be more in the mood.  Many yoga postures that are done prior to sex have been shown to be fantastic enhances, especially the butterfly pose for women. 

There is also a list of sexy foods including, almonds, avocados, celery, chili peppers, chocolate, oysters, figs, and nutmeg.  Almonds contain important fatty acids which help the brain to work better while avocados are not only a sensual delight, but also contain important fatty acids that help the brain and heart.  Celery actually contains a small amount of androsterone, which is a male hormone that is released in sweat, known to turn women on.  Chili peppers contain capsaicin, which stimulates circulation. 

Chocolate contains pheylethylalmine (PEA), which is a chemical raised in the brain when you’re in love.  Oysters, which are high in zinc, help men with sexual functioning.  Figs are high in amino acids and are also believed to increase sexual stamina and nutmeg is used in Indian medicine for enhancing desire, with studies showing that it has the same effect as Viagra.  Dishes that are high in carbohydrates, such as pasta, are much more likely to lead to sleep rather than romance.  So be sure to eat energy producing protein and vegetables, leaving the table just a bit hungry. 

There are some foods that can trigger thoughts of love, such as a peach or even an avocado.  Those foods that have luscious textures and tastes are also shown to enhance mood.  In order to turn on the brain naturally, think of smells.  Almond and coconut make great scented candles and are good bets to improve Sex drive. Lavender has been shown to be one of the most universal turn-on’s and can be used through out the day with relaxing and mood boosting properties.  However you decide to boost libido, adding the above mentioned foods might help improve quality of life.

Home Remedies to Cure Male Yeast Infection - Natural Cure Of Male Yeast Infection

Male Yeast Infection is usually the result of using antibiotics for a prolonged period. It is harder to detect yeast infection in men than women because of the physical different in built between both genders. Men will go for a longer period not knowing that their condition is associated with candida and may possible be misdiagnosed by a doctor, if the condition is not examined properly.

Sometimes it may take the female partner to first inform the male that he has yeast infection because she has it as well. Doctors may prescribe an anti-fungal treatment, which does not cure the male yeast infection and so allows for a recurring yeast infection and a cycle of the same thing happening to both parties again.

During the time when a man and woman who has yeast infection perform sexual intercourse, the man’s urethra is vulnerable to the yeast infection because it is highly exposed at that time and the man will contract yeast infection from the woman. Male Yeast Infection is serious because the yeast can also affect the prostate glands and settle there. The same way that yeast swells bread, it is possible that it can swell the prostate glands as well.

Male yeast infection or penile yeast infection as it is sometimes called shows up with cracked and dry skin that can be painful during an erection.

Male Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast infection causes in men result from antibiotics as discussed before, yeast infection beer or alcohol, sex, products that contain wheat, sugar, peanuts, and a possible immune system that is week. Diabetic men are prone to develop yeast infection because of their high sugar level.

Male Yeast Infection Symptoms

Male Yeast Infection Symptoms are seen in the form of constipation, problems with indigestion, sexual dysfunction, irritable mood swings, low energy, loss of memory, jock itch, skin itching, athletes foot, and prostate problems.

A Yeast Infection Looks Like

Dry and Scaly Skin

Redness in the penile area

Small blisters on penis head

White discharge in some cases

To cure your Yeast Infection, you might want to consider using home remedies such as cloves of garlic wrapped in cloth and applied with tea tree oil to the affected area daily, yogurt or its substitute, acidophilus, hot sitz bath diluted with vinegar and staying away from foods with yeast.

While there are many other natural remedies, these are only some of the natural cures mentioned

Get more information and pictures at Male Yeast Infection Here.

Impotence Is Mostly Stress Related


Many effects are felt by couples where the man is afflicted with male impotence. Some people like to joke about sexual problems but great strain and distress is caused by this problem by many couples. The reasons for impotence can be many but there are things that can be done to help.

The term male impotence may have many connotations but is tactually means when the erection cannot be maintained long enough to initiate sexual intercourse but the correct definition is erectile dysfunction. It is also possible that an erection is not possible at all or the penis is only erect for very short periods, even erratically. In America, the condition affects anything up to fifteen million men but male impotence, no matter what age you are can normally be treated successfully.

To understand impotence, it helps to have a basic understanding of how an erection happens; the penis has a large amount of spongy tissue, through which blood vessels run, and some muscle. To achieve an erection a man requires sexual stimulation which can come in the form of physical touch or by sexual thoughts and desires which lead to nerve signals sending a message to release blood into the penis. The penis, now filled with blood becomes hard and erect; when this erection ends, muscles force the blood back out.

Any break in the signals that force the blood to enter the penis and an erection will not happen, creating male impotence. In the majority of cases, male impotence has an underlying cause because diseases like diabetes, alcoholism, and kidney disease may affect both nerve signals and blood flow.

There are also certain conditions that affect the blood vessels that can create male impotence in the same way that a procedure on any of the following areas; prostate, bladder or urethra can also cause impotence to occur. Incidents of stress, anxiety or other psychological problems can also result in erectile dysfunction.

In most instances a doctor can assess the situation and will know what has caused the condition and provide a treatment regime to cure the impotence. For many older men, the situation just requires some changes in lifestyle habits like weight loss, giving up smoking and regular physical activity.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

An Unbeatable Alternative to Viagra

It was in the early part of 1998 that Viagra first came on to the market, and created a tidal change in the sex industry.

Originally trialled by the drug giant Pfizer to lower blood pressure, the men taking the trials found they had harder more frequent erections, which lasted longer.

Pill suppliers are not slow to latch onto things like this, so they changed course with the pill and transformed it into an impotence solution. Clever marketing put it in the mainstream, it sold by the bucket load, and the sex industry was able to step out of the shadows and promote all sorts of products in famous sex pill's wake.

Despite the huge amount of copycat pills in the market|out there], 10 years on it is still this original brand that is the standout name in the industry|after ten years viagra is still number one in the market, although the rise of the net has caused all kinds of alternative choices to be available.

awesome thing about viagra is that it really works.|Viagra is so successful because it truely gives you results.]

Because it was discovered by chance, the proof was already there of its ability to conquer erection issues,  and lovers have seen their sexual lives transformed for the better over the years.

It's a straight forward product to take, via the mouth, and is readily accessible.

However, there are a few problems in taking viagra. First of all, Some people have complained of negative symptoms like nausea, variable heart rate, lethargy.

Furthermore,, let's not ignore the fact that, it's a chemical product, and nowadays people tend to shy away from|avoid] chemicals. They'd prefer a more organic approach, consuming treatments that are made entirely from natural products.

A possible alternative to viagra is a recent product called Hot Rod. Hot Rod is an amazing alternative to viagra that has been shown to give you the same kind of amazing results that viagra offers without any of the side effects. This is so as Hot Rod relies entirely on natural ingredients that is healthy for your system.

Do You Know the Truth About Male Infertility?

It’s a common myth these days that infertility is simply a woman’s problem.  Because the woman is responsible for pregnancy, people often think that conception is completely her project as well.  However, nothing could be further from the truth, and if you are a couple experiencing problems while trying to get pregnant, you owe it to yourselves to understand the truth about male infertility.  After all, to ignore this issue is to waste valuable time that could be spent correcting it and addressing it properly.

How common is male infertility?

When a couple is having problems conceiving, it’s believed that the problem is usually 50/50, in other words, it’s equally likely that the problem is male infertility as it is the woman’s infertility.  About 1 in 10 couples that try to conceive have difficulty, so you can understand just how common this issue is with men.

What are the common causes of male infertility?

Most people have heard that low sperm count is one of the common reasons for male infertility, but there are others; additionally, there are reasons why a man’s sperm count may be low.  For example, smoking causes much damage to the reproductive system in a man, and can interfere with his sperm production.  Trauma to the genital region or testicles, such as an injury or accident, can also interfere with his sperm productions.

Other common causes for male infertility include malformed sperm.  In order to fertilize an egg, a sperm must be healthy, otherwise it will simply die before it even reaches the egg in the first place.  Another common cause is low sperm motility.  This is also called “lazy” or “slow” sperm.  From a human point of view, the distance that sperm need to travel in order to fertilize a woman’s egg is not that much – only a matter of inches, really – but to the microscopic sperm, it may as well be miles.  And sperm are very fragile to begin with, so if they are not active and mobile, again, there is the chance that they will die in the woman’s system before they can reach that egg.

Blocked sperm ducts are another common cause of male infertility.  When a man ejaculates, only about 1% of that fluid is actually sperm; if his sperm ducts are blocked, this means there will be even less sperm, if any at all.

A high sperm count and healthy sperm themselves are of course crucial for a man to be able to impregnate a woman.  The more healthy sperm he has, the greater the chance of at least one of those sperm reaching that egg.

Male infertility can be treated!

The good news is that many of these conditions can be reversed, or helped along by your doctor; even if it means a medical intervention, most men with low sperm counts or malformed sperm can still help to conceive a healthy child.  So if you’re experiencing problems conceiving, don’t waste another minute assuming that it’s just the woman.  See your doctor today!

Fertility Treatment for Men

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Male Infertility Treatment Begins at Home!

When talking about reproductive issues, a couple does well to consider some male infertility treatments that they can easily try at home.  This is because in most cases of reproductive issues, infertility can equally be caused by the man’s reproductive system as it can be the woman’s.  It is a common misconception (no pun intended) that all reproductive issues are strictly the woman’s problem.  In reality, most couples being treated for this by medical doctors are finding this it’s a 50/50 chance that the man may need treatment, or it’s a combination of problems with both the man and the woman.  In any case, someone may immediately wonder about male infertility treatments that you can try at home, first, before looking into medical intervention, expensive drugs, invasive surgeries, and the like.  The good news is that there are some such treatments that men can try that may very well increase his abilities to impregnate.

Diet May be the Best Male Infertility Treatment

In a new study cited in OBGYN News, a group of Harvard researchers found that 79% of infertile couples had a lower-than-average intake of foods high in antioxidants - like fruits and vegetables.  In one study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Medicine, doctors found that after one week of daily doses of 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C, sperm counts rose by some 140%.  So, a multivitamin or a vitamin C supplement may be the first male infertility treatment that you would want to try.

More recently, a study published in the Archives of Andrology showed the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium improved the ability of sperm to swim - a skill necessary to reach the egg.

Exercise also improves muscle tone and good muscle tone helps every aspect of your system as well.  Excessive body weight also puts undue pressure on the reproductive organs and doesn’t allow them to function optimally; obese persons often suffer from reproductive issues.  Any male infertility treatment that you try at home should include regular physical activity and exercise.

Drugs and Smoking – A Barrier to Any Effective Male Infertility Treatment

Some medications can interfere with a woman’s and a man’s reproductive systems.  If you are taking any prescription drugs, be mindful of the side effects.  Ask your doctor if you’re not sure.  And this includes illegal drugs as well.  Many narcotics interfere with the body’s fertility, as does tobacco.  Excessive drinking (more than three alcoholic beverages per day) can too.

If you or your partner smoke, it’s time to quit.  Smokers have been shown to have 17% less sperm count on average, not to mention that it disrupts the health of remaining sperm.  If you’re taking illicit drugs, it’s time to quit those as well.  And if necessary, make note of your drinking levels and cut back if needed.

So there you have it – some natural, healthy male infertility treatments that any man or couple can try at home, before undergoing invasive surgery or doling out thousands on tests and medicines.

Fertility Treatment for Men

Infertility in Men

The Common Causes for Infertility in Men

When a couple are facing problems with reproduction and conception, it’s very shortsighted and medically inaccurate to assume that it must always be the woman’s problem.  Infertility in men is the cause of reproductive issues in about half of the cases reported, so if you and your partner are having problems conceiving, you do well to investigate the common causes for infertility in men so as to handle these issues promptly and completely.  Here are the most common causes:

Low sperm count – the most common reason for infertility in men.

Yes, men typically have millions of sperm that they produce during each sexual encounter, however, these sperm are very fragile and very few actually survive the journey through a woman’s system to reach an egg to fertilize.  This is why it’s necessary to produce those millions!  But in reality, any one sperm reaching an egg to fertilize it is like winning the lottery – there are millions of tickets sold, but it’s unlikely that any one is the winner.  So, having a lower than normal sperm count makes it that much more difficult for conception to take place.  Since this is the most common reason for infertility in men, chances are that a doctor would want to take a sample of a man’s semen to test the sperm count before doing any other tests.

Low sperm motility.

To a human, the journey through a woman’s system to reach the egg dropped by the fallopian tubes is miniscule.  But to the tiny microscopic sperm, it may as well be miles long!  Any sperm that are not able to push themselves to get through that journey are going to die off before they make it, and again, sperm are very fragile to begin with.  Low sperm motility may not be the most common reason for infertility in men, but it is common enough that again, doctors will want to check the abilities of your “little swimmers” to make sure they can make it through their long journey.  If not, alternative means of conception may need to be explored.

Malformed sperm.

If the sperm are not formed properly, they will not be able to propel themselves along to make that arduous journey.  Malformed sperm is a common reason for infertility in men, and may also be one of the more common reasons for low sperm motility.  However, it’s important to remember that malformed sperm doesn’t mean that a child conceived with it is going to somehow be malformed or that this is a cause for birth defects; it simply means that again, there may need to be an alternative form of conception that is explored rather than relying on the natural course of action.

Blocked sperm ducts.

Many people mistakenly assume that every time a man ejaculates during sexual activity, that this contains sperm.  This is not necessarily true; only about 1-2% of a man’s semen is actually sperm.  Blocked sperm ducts are another common reason for infertility in men; he has no sperm at all in the ejaculate in these cases.

Fertility Treatment

Male Yeast Infection Cured - Yeast Infection In Men

Male Yeast Infection is a reality to those suffering from it, even though women are the ones who get most of the attention. Below you will find natural treatments for male yeast infection that we have researched and found. No longer is over the counter drug necessary when there are several home remedies for curing yeast infection in men.

Male Yeast Infection Treatment

Do a colon cleanse. This cleans the colon of all the toxins and waste bacteria and neutralizes the body of any acidity. Yeast grow more in an acidic environment, so a good colon cleanse is a good way to start your treatment. Yeast is also considered to be toxin in the body and the cleansing the colon will help to get rid of it. While you are doing the colon cleanse, do not eat any dairy products, grain (gluten), soy, wheat, eggs, splenda, Trans fats or fructose or any foods that contain yeast.

Use Cold coconut oil (pressed) for male yeast infection treatment. It can be in the form of pills or in a bottle (liquid form) or even extra virgin coconut oil, which you can get at your local health food store. A 2001 study done by Gudmundur Bergsson, et. al (Anatomy Dept. , University of Iceland) proved that this helps to kill the yeast.

Oregano Oil has also been tested as a proven method of killing yeast. However, the results are more effective when the oregano oil contains more than 68% of carvacrol which is the most active ingredient in the product.

Tea Tree Oil and Cinnamon Oil are also two natural treatments that will kill the yeast infection in no time.

Eat Yogurt Daily for Yeast Infection Cure. Make sure this is a plain (no sugar added) yogurt. Yogurt is a good product for getting rid of male yeast infection. Most Yogurt products contain lactobacillus acidophilus. This is exactly what your body needs to ignite the "friendly bacterium". If you don’t like yogurt (as some people have a problem with lactose), then acidophilus pills are your next option. You can get these at any local health food store at minimal cost.

Take a hot sitz bath and include vinegar. This helps to sooth the skin and keeps it free of itching. Restoring the body’s PH balance helps to stop the growth of the yeast.

Garlic has properties that are anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. At the occurrence of yeast infection, eat one clove of garlic that you buy from your grocery store each day or twice per day. I know this will taste horrible, but it is good for you in more sense than just one. Garlic is also good for sinuses. If you cannot stand the taste, then go the health food store and purchase garlic pills.

You can also apply the garlic directly to the affected area. Wrap the clove of garlic in gauze and tie it. You can lubricate it with tea tree oil and rub it on the area. to treat a vaginal infection can be done in a variety of ways.

Use herbs such as Chamomile, Goldenseal, Black Walnut and Licorice. These contain properties that are anti-bacterial. Some can be used internally and some externally with lukewarm water.

If you want to learn more about natural remedies for male yeast infections or other yeast infection cures, I highly recommend this website at 12 Hour Natural Cure For Yeast Infection and this covers all types of yeast infection, namely yeast infection in dogs, male yeast infection, vaginal yeast infection, and yeast infection baby.

What is Meant by Prostate Health?

What is Meant by Prostate Health?
By Brian Richards

Old age is golden age. Old age is the time for looking back to his accomplishments, lifestyles, ups and downs in life and many other items related to his life. Most of them will feel satisfied by the way they led their life. This is the time when you enjoy the great benefits of his hard work. But, during the old age the heath will be getting deteriorated and you will feel that many organs are not functioning well or do not work as your mind wants them to work. This is true even in the case of prostate as well. Prostate health can be affected badly during the old age.

Aging is a natural process and no human being is out of this net. Process of aging is a biological phenomenon and is mostly affected by the living conditions, diseases, life styles and environments. Health is extremely important to lead a proper and meaningful life. Health, in a broader sense, means physical, mental and social well-being, and not the absence of illness. It is possible that many diseases can affect the body when you are aging. Deteriorating of the health, including prostate health, can cause worry, but it should not dampen the activities of the individual.

Three are three types of common ailments that can affect the men's prostate, benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), prostitis, and the critical condition of prostate cancer. The main causes of prostate cancer and BPH are not yet found by the medical world. But the risk factors, which can lead to these diseases, are well known. Age, hereditary, race, diet, lifestyle and environment all will contribute to the occurrence of these diseases. Prostate health depends on the presence of these risk factors.

Many studies have revealed that the age is an important factor in the prostate health. Men of age above 40, have to undergo regular medical checkups to monitor the prostate health. The chances of getting BPH is more among the man who are above the age of 50 and the chance of getting the dreaded prostate cancer is much among the men of age above 60 years.

Other factors, which can contribute more to the risk of prostate cancer, are race, genes and diets. In case of diet, it is recorded that those having diet, which are enriched with fruits and vegetables, are having good prostate health than the men taking foods containing red meat and animal fats.

You should take necessary care to keep a watch on your prostate health as the presence of any of the above factors can cause risk of prostate disorders. A recent study brought out alarming results regarding the prostate health in American men population. There were 200,000 cases of BPH and the numbers of prostate cancer patients are steadily growing from year to year. The matter is very serious when we consider the great advances made in the field of prostate treatment and surgery.

Aging and diseases are two factors that can deny the happiness of people. So it is very important to take necessary precautions and utmost care in keeping the overall health of the body including the prostate health. Achieving an excellent prostate health is an extremely challenging task, but do believe that it is not an impossible task. is a comprehensive resource blog for new cancer treatments and rectal prostate exams. Find Help Today!!! Also feel free to share your experience and help other. Thanks!

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