Wednesday, August 5, 2009


We also incline to follow the thoughts or opinions of society threw TV, flicks, books and the web. Folks just have a natural disposition to just need to slot in.

So rather than attempting to fit into society we deserve to be concentrating our efforts on fitting into God's plan and similarly getting others to fit into His plan too.

Initial Corinthians 10:31-32 "Therefore whether you drink or eat, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Give no offence, either to the Jews, or to the Greeks, or to the church of God.

That fear of the lord will give us bravery, direction, and incentive to make troublesome selections and live with Godly behaviour regardless of the results brought to us by the cruel. Almost everyday, papers, business mags, radio and TV carry reports of firms, massive and little, that are downsizing. But what are the effects on the companies? Downsizing, rightsizing or any of the amount of synonyms for cutting costs and workers, may offer a decline in operating costs in the near term, but how do they impact the long term future? In my experience over many decades of business cycles, I have witnessed a succession of commercial contractions and expansions and though at times the outlook has appeared forbidding, in reality, far bleaker then our present circumstances, each decline has been followed by a successive period of expansion. What followed however, was the start of what has proven to be one of the longest lived business booms in memory. , it is with eyes wide open that business leaders need to rigorously consider the long range effects their cost cutting actions will have on their affiliations. Take a glance at what Jesus has to assert about this. For I am come to set a person at variance against his pa, and the child against her ma, and the daughter in law against her mummy in law.

And a person's enemies shall be they of his very own household.

But Wait, Jesus also goes on to say the following. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, isn't deserving of me. It might also be attained by tears and a miserable countenance but true repentance means turning from cruel techniques, from thoughts or acts that displease God and turning toward a life that reflects Godly ways. It shouldn't be used as a reason to continue sinning if you understand what you do isn't right.
42 hdtv

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